Wednesday, August 3, 2011


 Anne by her pompas grass

Anne Alvarez (#38) reports that by now almost every plot has taken a basil seedling, so she is winding down the basil project.  Only three more different kinds of basil are left:
·        Cinnamon basil – 2 pots
·        Thai Basil – 4 pots
·        Sweet basil – 4 in green pots

However, Anne is enjoying the project of starting free seedlings for the garden so much, she wants to continue it with different plants.  Right now she is growing:
·        Red peppers – 4 in red pots
·        Eggplant – 10 in round green pots

The seedlings are grown in the Ewa part of plot #37 (Note: not in her plot, but in the one next to hers).  On the paper sign in the plastic sleeve, please record your plot number and the type of seedling you’re taking.  Thank you.

From now on Anne will be known as the “SEEDLING STARTER.”