Thursday, February 10, 2011


"That was such an interesting meeting," Edgar said. "I had no idea the meetings would be that fun."
Edgar is a new applicant for a garden plot (There are now 18 people on the wait list, down from 24 last month.) and this was the first garden meeting he attended.
"Oh, that was nothing." Lisa said. "This one was tame compared to others we've had."
"Really?" Edgar was intrigued. "Maybe you should do a Reality TV series."

Ha!  Imagine... 
"Garden Idol" -- Who has the most beautiful, most bountiful plot?
"Gardening with the Stars" -- Put celebrities to work in our garden!
"Extreme Makeover"-- Over here, my plot needs a makeover!
"Garden Plots" -- Ooooh, this one could be a real thriller!

At the meeting the discussion centered around two issues:

1)  Do longtime co-gardeners have the right to "inherit" the plot?
Fair or not, according to the regulations set by the C&C of Honolulu Community Gardens, the answer is a clear No.  But President Bill Hanrahan will continue seeking clarification from Nathan, our liaison with C&C.

2)  Should members of the plot monitoring committee remain anonymous?
After a lively discussion, including the choice of having every garden member openly take a turn at doing the job, the vote delivered an overwhelming Yes for anonymity.

On my way out of the garden I looked up and saw this spectacular sunset sky.  Perfect for our Reality TV Garden Thriller.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Sunny (#71) watering her lush garden
Loyd (#97) showing off his Suriname cherries
Joan (#40) working among the Hawaiian ginger plants in the beautification area
Ken (#40) showing off his Spanish moss
Eunice (#20) with her harvest of green beans
Sandy & Anne Marie (#73) among their exotic flowers